Fay & Mark

Character & class

An autumnal wedding reception at home for Fay & Mark was the perfect combination of romance and sophistication. Complete with Baby Grand Piano, the marquee was lined with an Ivory pleated lining, the bespoke printed panel behind the top table added an extra touch of character and class

The perfect space

Two structures of 15m x 27m and 12m x 27m, both on 3 metre legs were used to create the perfect space and layout for dining, dancing and relaxing. The floor of the entire Marquee was boarded to ensure a level surface, and covered with white carpet. Ghost chairs looked fantastic in the dining area and even better when guests were seated.

A chill out zone was created for guests to relax, white sofas and flowers kept the look of the main dining area. One focal point of the evening was the beautiful cake, made by the renowned Choccywoccydoodah.

autmnal wedding marquee ivory linnings
autmnal wedding marquee ivory linning
autmnal wedding marquee ivory linning
autmnal wedding marquee ivory linning
autmnal wedding marquee ivory linning
autmnal wedding marquee ivory linning
autmnal wedding marquee ivory linning
autmnal wedding marquee ivory linning
autmnal wedding marquee ivory linning
autmnal wedding marquee ivory linning
Tree canopy
Industry Leading Sustainability
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Matt, Molly, Lucy and Jack are our dedicated account managers with extensive expertise and experience leading event builds. One of them will guide you through every step of the process.

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