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Putting Temporary Structures to Emergency Use During a Crisis

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Putting Temporary Structures to Emergency Use During a Crisis

The temporary structure and marquee sector has come under severe pressure in recent weeks, as have many businesses, with pretty much all work being cancelled. However, there are other uses for temporary structures which can be of genuine use during a pandemic crisis such as the one we are experiencing right now.

Specialist Structures for Temporary Morgues

In response to the current coronavirus / Covid-19 emergency, Fews Marquees have developed a specifically designed, state of the art solution for temporary morgues that can be deployed very quickly.

Fews Marquees are now able to offer for their marquees and temporary structures the insulation properties to deliver the required temperature control in all ambient conditions through a quick and easy to install bespoke lining. This is a Keder fed multifoil reflective lining with 21 layer insulation, providing a near airtight seal.

To go alongside this they also offer:

• Insulated floors wall and ceilings
• Self-levelling floors
• Isolated catering areas to protect staff welfare
• Separation of all areas to prevent cross contamination

They offer structures up to 30m wide with an eave height of 3m, provide fully adjustable internal storage racking, and non-slip, commercial grade vinyl flooring.

Each of the structures can be built anywhere, on hard standing surfaces or even grass without the need for foundations.

This is an example of switching applications quickly and finding solutions to make otherwise redundant structures very useful in the current situation.

Insulation specifications / mechanical properties:

Thermal Performance Value Standard
Core 1.52m2 K/W BS EN 16012
Roof 2.50m2 K/W BS EN 6946
Wall 3.00m2 K/W BS EN 6946

Structure Specifications

Widths: Up to 30m
Eave Height: Up to 4m
Length: Unlimited in 5m increments

Temporary Morgue

Structures for Temporary Triage Areas

Hospitals find themselves under severe pressure, with numbers growing each day, so temporary triage areas outside of the hospital buildings to manage the flow and diagnosis of new patients are critical to hospital efficiency.

Designing ready-made solutions for such applications can assist the NHS in getting projects going quickly. Here is an example:

– Area for verification before entering hospitals
– Clean and dirty flow of people and equipment
– Multiple rooms for triage of people before allowing access to hospital
– Capacity to adapt to the needs of each hospital
– Non slip, commercial grade vinyl flooring
Temporary Triage Design

Structures for Covid-19 Drive through testing

Testing for coronavirus / Covid-19 is also a genuine burden on scarce resources, but drive through testing has been used as a solution and such structures can be designed and built quickly on demand. They provide shelter for testing as well as the social distancing to protect both public and staff.

– Drive through testing stations
– Available at very short notice
– Isolated for social distancing and staff welfare

Drive Through Structure

Structures for Temporary Hospitals

The need for extra hospital beds to cope with coronavirus/Covid-19 sufferers, plus the normal clinical requirements means that every solution will need to be explored. Fews Industrial can offer very large structures to meet this need with these options:

– Stored in the UK for rapid installation
– Flexible design in width length and height (up to 30m wide, 15m high, virtually unlimited length.
– Pressure tested environments
– Insulated wall panelling and secure access doors
– Full fit out, including the choice of water supply, electricity, lighting, toilets, HVAC (heating and air conditioning)
– Non slip, commercial grade vinyl flooring


When we find ourselves in crisis situations, then everyone should to find innovative ways to provide as much assistance as possible.

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