Emergency Structures

Emergency Temporary Buildings

Emergency buildings for Covid-19 testing & vaccination

Fews are the leading supplier of emergency temporary buildings for combating Covid-19. Our premium structures are backed by years of experience and the highest levels of service in the industry.

The Covid-19 pandemic is the greatest threat to our health service in peace time. Thankfully a number of vaccines have been developed and are currently being rolled out across the country. In order to slow the spread of the virus, mass testing alongside mass vaccination is crucial. Our emergency temporary buildings are ideal for both mass testing, mass vaccination and a host of other Covid-related applications, they can be swiftly deployed nationwide and rapidly installed at almost any location.

Uses for our emergency buildings

Social distancing marquees

To enquire about our emergency temporary buildings please contact Matt Porter or Barny Jones on 01527 821789 or email info@fewsmarquees.co.uk

For out of hours emergencies call:

Ian Few: 07976 693430
Matt Porter: 07759 444933

Why choose Fews for your emergency temporary structure:

Vaccination Centre
Vaccination Centre
Bespoke Access Ramp
Bespoke Access Ramp
mass vaccination marquee
drive through testing structure
Tree canopy
Industry Leading Sustainability
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